Planning a family vacation is not for the faint of heart. From navigating extracurricular activities (do the kids have swim lessons?) to sleep schedules (is a 7 a.m. flight too early for the kids to wake up for?) to figuring ...
Every time I’m getting ready to leave for a trip, there’s one thing that always crosses my mind when it’s just a little too late: What am I going to wear on the plane?! I know it might seem like ...
As a parent of three kids aged six and under, I’ve gotta be honest: There are days when the near-constant singing, whining, and mess-making of my children is… too much. In those moments, I have to remind myself that I’m ...
An ion selective electrode (ISE) is a type of membrane-based potentiometric device that’s designed to measure ion activity in a solution. This analytical technique allows you to measure the electrical potential of the solution. There are many reasons why ISE ...
Being a parent doesn’t come with an instruction manual or FAQ booklet, which would be really, really helpful, especially when you’re new to the gig. Having a million and one questions ranging from, ‘Am I doing this right?’ to ‘Is ...
I remember the days of middle-of-the-night feedings vividly, as many parents, I’m sure, do. A tiny newborn in need of nourishment and love. And while I gazed out the bedroom window at the surrounding darkness, the feeling was both wondrous ...
As the resident baby name expert on The Everymom team, I’ve written about all the trends over the years. For me, there’s one yearly event that’s not a holiday that brings me so much joy. The annual release of the ...
“It’s lion day!” my 3.5-year-old daughter Indah shouts from her car seat in the middle row of an open-sided Land Cruiser in South Africa. We’re barreling along atop brick-red Kalahari Desert sand toward shapely mountains in the distance where, theoretically, ...
When water is sent to a home or business, it can contain minerals like calcium and magnesium. Water hardness occurs when there’s a high concentration of minerals in the solution. While hard water isn’t dangerous to drink, it typically tastes ...
You may have heard the intriguing term “sleep hygiene” buzzing around lately. If you’re not familiar, it’s the concept that certain habits and environmental factors can improve the quality of your sleep. Things like when you eat dinner, keeping a ...